Kids Playing With Rocks

Collector Spotlights

Collector Spotlight: Charlie Brown

1) How many years have you been collecting and what started your passion?

I guess I have always been collecting all sorts of things when I was around 5/6 years old- Minerals, pebbles, bugs, Pokémon cards, model cars, whatever really. I remember my Uncle had given me this big blue geode that I still have-the first sizeable awe-inspiring stone I received. I was never serious about it but always thought they were neat. The collecting then went dormant in my early teens until a bit into late college. I had my first mineralogy class and it just blew my mind- the magnificence of how the world pieces itself together given the right ingredients and circumstances! I loved how it all just clicks into its natural order to create these magnificent geo-physi-chemical fingerprints of a specific happenstance in time. Crystals are as unique and special as every one of us, and much rarer in some cases- aka true one of a kind pieces! Funny story, when I first got into purchasing minerals many close people in my life could not understand what I was doing and thought I was losing my mind spending all my money on rocks. My parents thought I was crazy and needed help, my girlfriend thought I was crazy and didn’t see the end plan. And MAYBE I was a little crazy back then… but I quickly got very serious about stone collecting.

2) What's the focus of your collection and has that changed through time? Why?

I have the impossible goal of getting a great, aesthetic piece from every locale and every specimen but I know this would be impossible. So building up to that, I have been chasing a lot of the irreplaceable classics, the gem, blood red rhodochrosite of Peru and South Africa, Tsumeb dioptase and other localities, killer Brazilian tourmaline, unique astounding fluorite from various locales, and other rare formations and combinations. I really try and strive for aesthetics and form when it comes to my personal collection or company, The Vault Fine Gems & Jewelry. I feel that lately I have been extremely patient with mineral purchases. Waiting, ready to pounce on the piece that is a true home run.

3) What do you like to do outside of mineral collecting? (hobbies, job, music taste, etc)

Well, when the world was normal, I really loved playing live music and going to see live music. I have a psychedelic, classical, core band called Jelé in which I play the guitar, keys, throat. We have about two albums of material sitting in hyperspace, waiting to be released. I also launched a pystribal dance project this last year during quarantine called AELIUS. I really love seeing my favorite bands Primus, Phish, Ween, The Disco Biscuits. I love seeing all sorts of music and partying in all sorts of places with my friends. I have been told my music tends to reflect some aspects of my musical tastes, which is the greatest compliment you can tell a musician. Besides selling minerals and playing music I do drone work and mapping work for a photogrammetry company. Just got my drone pilot license this year so I am a registered drone pilot. Excited to see what opportunities it brings.

4) Have you been to any shows? If so, what's your favorite part of them? If not, are there any particular ones you would want to experience one day?

I love going to gem shows! I can comb through some showrooms very quickly!!!! I always am searching for a phenomenal, eye-catching pieces! I sometimes will go through many showrooms without truly desiring a stone but then, suddenly, I find it- hiding behind some opaque hunk of gravel, severely underpriced and begging to be adopted into the collection. My favorite part of the shows are the people! I love making friends and connections with the people in this industry because I truly believe they are the most unique, interesting people I have ever met. We are all achieving our dreams based on our literal intuition and moving the industry forward upon our individual preferences of desirability. My friends in the mineral community are what make shows great. Bumping into friends every few booths always makes for some fun!! And I am always amazed at how vendors at shows are always finagling business within their friend/business groups. Even during slow shows, friends make the wheels turn regardless!

5) Where do you see yourself as a collector in 5,10 or 20 years?

Honestly, when I get my life situated for the future, I want an ultra-secure (mission impossible type) showroom full of the grandest specimens ever. Un-heist-able! I want to one day have a collection that many of the stones are some of the best examples ever found and I want to curate them to the public. I know these dreams are big but we can always dream bigger! And when I die, I would like my stones to go to the grandkid that gives the most sh*ts about minerals, or let my family sell them to a museum. Or, even donate them to friends and family in remembrance. I honestly almost disagree with the old stories of rockhounds taking their favorites to the grave. Nothing is truly ours in this world, we are just curators, of stones and even bones! So ultimately, I just want to share the beauty of stones with the world as long as I can!

6) If you could give any advice to someone new to the hobby, what would it be?

BE PATIENT! This hobby can be daunting and expensive! Really try and be particular and have a mission for your collection! Yes, there are always stones to buy and resell, but the stones for your ultimate collection should be the best ones available to you at the moment. Really just make sure you are in a position financially to make a big move when the opportunity strikes, before you get beaten to it. Extremely nice stones do not sit around very long on the market and you need to be ready so that you can make proper investments into your future of collecting/selling. And always know when it’s appropriate to pay above your comfort level in terms of rarity and make a true commitment to your growth. If you can’t stop thinking about a stone, chances are you deserve it and should treat yourself. These should be full-steam commitments, all systems-go type commitments. Don’t proceed if in doubt, and definitely don’t let someone play you. Check all your sources to ensure the best elimination of middle-manning and try and buy direct, or as direct as you can if at all possible. Beware of pocket mythology. But take comfort and trust in your most solid connections.

7. Describe your dream/ideal/perfect specimen (even if it's not real, go wild!) and tell us what the locality would be!

I would like a large cabinet flawless combo of dioptase, rhodochrosite, tourmaline, diopside, tsavorite, spessartite all on one giant, dark-champagne piece of smoky quartz. Yea, I will take 10 of those please. The locality would be somewhere between South Africa/Namibia and Tanzania, maybe somewhere new in Zimbabwe! You said go wild!