Kids Playing With Rocks

Collector Spotlights

Collector Spotlight: Alaina Nicol

1) How many years have you been collecting and what started your passion?

I think everyone is born with a sense of wonder for the natural world. Many of us grew up sifting dirt, breaking rocks to see what might’ve been inside, or dug up something shiny that was peeking out of the earth. Perhaps not habitually but, at the very least, in an overlooked memory. Rivers full of rocks were (still are) mystical; washed up stones on the beachendearing. I never attributed a simple fascination to be summed up as collecting. That is… until I was catapulted into the world of Gems and Minerals. My hoard of minerals is now a byproduct of our family’s paradigm, and one that I’ve supported and been in awe of for nearly ten years.

2) What's the focus of your collection and has that changed through time? Why?

Tourmaline has always been the focus of my collection because my husband is a partner at the Tourmaline King Mine. The more that I learn and the more people that I meet along this journey: the more I discover. Whether visiting private vaults or scoping Instagram, I appreciate a myriad of minerals with a consideration for the geological processes and conditions that created them. I’m particularly fond of manganese bearing minerals and feldspars (rainbow lattice sunstone is my favorite). In a sustainable and practical shift, I’m working on evolving my lapidary and jewelry capabilities. Inspired by predecessors like Frank Schuyler, I want to share our experiences in the most tangible, personal form because who doesn’t want to “wear a tourmaline for luck”?

3) What do you like to do outside of mineral collecting? (hobbies, job, music taste, etc.).

I aspire to utilize my time wisely but lightheartedly. Days are best spent with family but whenever I get a moment for true personal time, I work out. I love Olympic lifting. I also enjoy developing creative website interfaces.

4) Is there anyone who has inspired you in this field? Do you look up to the collection of someone in particular?

People might say that I am biased but I am largely inspired by my husband. His fortitude, intelligence, ingenuity and perseverance makes for an uncommon man and I appreciate his zeal to tackle each day with a humble yet noble approach. He’s taught me everything that I know and doesn’t mind (and is even very patient) when I ask him unscholarly questions, especially about this field.

As far as collections go, I can name a few that I’ve been able to admire in person and will say that the hype surrounding some of the larger names in this industry is valid.

5) Have you been to any shows? If so, what's your favorite part of them? If not, are there any particular ones you would want to experience one day?

I’ve only been to Quartzite once but mineral shows are a little different when you’re on the mining side. Hopefully when things go back to normal I can venture to some of the larger shows to get a better sense of that culture. There’s always a lot of buzz around the Tucson Gem Show, so I would speculate that’s a good one to start with!

6) What was the moment you realized there was no going back, you are a collector?

When I wouldn’t let my husband sell a crystal because I thought it was cute and liked it too much.

7) Is there a piece/pieces in your collection you’ll never let go off, which and why?

Sometimes I wish I had never let a large tourmaline and quartz specimen go. It was from the personal collection of George Kunz and had been used to document San Diego County prospects. My favorite part about this specimen is that Kunz described it to be red and blue from the Himalaya Mine when in reality it is green and from the Little 3 Mine. (You can find more about that piece and the story behind it on my Instagram.)

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