Kids Playing With Rocks

Collector Spotlights

Collector Spotlight: Philippe Belley

1) How many years have you been collecting and what started your passion?

I have been interested in natural science and collecting from a young age, and became interested in minerals after visiting numerous rock shops during a family vacation in Arizona in the early 2000s. I joined a mineral club in 2003 but only started seriously field collecting in 2006, and have done so ever since. 

2) What's the focus of your collection and has that changed through time? Why?

My core focus has changed multiple times over the years, starting with anything well-crystallized especially from Canada and the Middle East, followed by Grenville Province (Canada) minerals, and field collected minerals. I now have two collections: (1) Field-collected minerals (mostly species used as gems) and faceted stones; and (2) a research reference collection focused mostly on gem minerals, their host rocks, and locality suites.

3) What do you like to do outside of mineral collecting? (hobbies, job, music taste, etc).

Mineral collecting has evolved to more than a hobby, and I’m now Assistant Professor (Mineralogy) at Memorial University of Newfoundland, where my lab ( focuses on geological modeling of colored gemstone deposits and developing new methods with which to predict where to find them. It keeps me very busy, but sometimes I do have enough time to fish or play music.

4) What's your favorite species? Why?

Spinel, specifically vivid blue, cobalt-enriched spinel. It’s stable, durable, a gem species, and the colour is out of this world.

5) Are you a stay-at-home collector or do you collect on the field too?

Most of my specimens come from field excursions. It’s harder work and riskier, but also much more fun, with no limit to the quality of specimen you can “afford” – Nature decides!

6) If you could give any advice to someone new to the hobby, what would it be?

Learn some basic geology, especially if you’re a field-based collector. 

7) What’s your favorite snack in the field? And why?

Beef jerky. It’s tasty, lightweight, dense, meaty, and doesn’t require refrigeration.