Kids Playing With Rocks

Collector Spotlights

Collector Spotlight: Noah Pomer

1. How many years have you been collecting and what started your passion?

I’ve technically been collecting for around 10 years since I was 7 years old. It’s only been around a year and a half since I switched to actual collecting and away from the aura quartz, pyrite chunk, quartz geode phase. My passion first started when I was 7 years old when my dad gave me a chunk of lapis lazuli with pyrite in matrix from his hometown of San Juan, Argentina.

2. What's the focus of your collection and has that changed through time? Why?

The focus of my collection nowadays is to collect very aesthetic miniature specimens with isolated crystals from around the world. I used to just focus on collecting every species possible, so I mainly just cared about size and not aesthetics or appearance but as I grew as a collector then that all changed.

3. What do you like to do outside of mineral collecting? (Hobbies, job, music taste, etc).

I do karate, ski, work at a mineral store, and hike as my hobbies and work.

4. What's your favorite species? Why?

My absolute favourite species has to be pyromorphite. I love pyromorphite mainly because of the vibrant green colours (green is my favourite colour) and because of the unique crystal structure. I’m mainly a fan of specimens from Daoping and only the really nice ones from Les Farges.

5. What is your favorite/dream specimen outside of your collection? Why?

My dream specimen to own would be a nice miniature sized Autunite from China. A nice aesthetic specimen needs to explanation as to why it’s desirable due to the insane colour and formation.

6. What fuels your enthusiasm for mineral collecting?

Being on the hunt to find nicer and nicer specimens of things I do and don’t own mainly.

7. How many specimens do you have in your collection and do you have any bar set of how many you'd want to own?

I currently only have about 12 specimens as it’s hard for me to find things I really like. I’d like to eventually own around 100 specimens to finally be able to be happy with my collection. Even then pieces will be coming and going as I find better and better pieces.