Kids Playing With Rocks

Collector Spotlights

Collector Spotlight: Matthew Metzler

1. How many years have you been collecting and what started your passion?

I have been collecting a little over a decade now. I first started collecting after learning about Lake Superior agates in 6th grade.

2. What is the focus of your collection and has it changed through time? Why?

My collection has changed a lot throughout my collecting experience. Initially I had no focus and pretty much collected just about everything (except for polished things, I wasn’t ever as big of a fan of those). That changed roughly around 7 years ago when I joined the Cuyuna Rock, Gem and Mineral society. Being a native Minnesotan, I quickly fell in love with mineral specimens from my home state, but I also have a strong interest in sulfides, Midwest localities, Canadian localities, and type localities.

3. What do you like to do outside of mineral collecting?

Being a college student, most of my time is taken up by my studies so mineral collecting is my primary hobby. However, if I have more free time than usual, I also enjoy activities such as running, hiking, travelling, and a relatively new one, embracing the tiki culture.

4. Is there anyone who has inspired you in this field? Do you look up to the collection of someone in particular?

The person who really inspired me when I first started out was my mentor, Harry. He was a rockhound and a former miner in the Tri State district (Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri) and he helped to guide me in my early days of collecting. He collected minerals for over 70 years and had mineral specimens from all over the globe. It was because of him that I am pursuing a career in geology!

5. Have you ever been to any shows? If so, what is your favorite part of them?

I have been to many shows throughout my home state and a couple outside of my state. In 2019, I got the privilege to experience the Tucson show for the first time. I remember walking in and being like a kid in a candy store. My favorite part of the shows must be the show’s banquet. When my rock club hosted the MWF in 2017, I remember how nice it was to sit down and enjoy dinner with mineral collectors from across the Midwest.

6. What is your favorite snack in the field? And why?

My favorite snack in the field would have to probably be either Oreo’s or a chocolate pudding cup. At field camp last summer, I was taught by one of my professors that it is an essential item to have one of these in your backpack.

7. What was the best mineral/geology locality that you have visited? What made your experience there so special?

The best mineral locality that I have visited was probably the Soudan Mine. Last summer I mapped there as part of my field geology class. One of our field professors helped the DNR in the past set up the public displays at the mine and due to that got us exclusive access to an extended tour of the mine. There I got to see amazing mineralogy as well as 3D structural geology features that are not shown on the public tours. It was by far the best mine tour I have ever been on.

Young Mineral Collectors