Kids Playing With Rocks

Collector Spotlights

Collector Spotlight: Duong Hong Duong

1) How many years have you been collecting and what started your passion?

I've been collecting for 4 years, after a “fall down” in my life.

I had a passion for natural science topics from an early age through science programs on TV, but with my condition at that time, it was very difficult to find and collect them. I continued that hobby but not as deeply, usually it was just reading from the internet and books until 2017.

Many unhappy things happened to me that made me depressed (MDD), I didn't want to leave the house or interact with other people. After a while, I started looking for ways to be able to "play alone at home".. and the first crystals arrived in April 2017.

Have some mineral crystal, i learned more about them and broadened my knowledge, and started collecting more to enrich my collection. It also helps me get back to a better life and make new friends with the same interests

2) What's the focus of your collection and has that changed through time? Why?

At first, I usually buy it right away if it makes me feel good or if it's something I don't already have. Then I put more emphasis on aesthetics, layout between crystal with matrix. When the number of crystals was large, I began to group them by mineral.

Currently, quartz makes up 1/2 of my collection, I group it by colors: milky - colorless, Amethyst, Smoke - Morion, Yellow, Red, Green and some pink & blue

However, quartz is not my focus, i only collect according to mineral groups such as: Tourmaline, Beryl, Fluorite, Calcite, Quartz, Garnet.. In addition, there are some unclassified mineral crystals

3) What do you like to do outside of mineral collecting? (hobbies, job, music taste, etc).

Opps… it's hard for me to answer this question

Being a "curious person", I learn and try to conquer anything.. But if it's a longtime hobby, here it is:

I like to play instruments, at an amatuer level with every 10 instruments I have, the best are probably harmonica and guitar.

I like camping, roaming on motorbikes looking for beautiful places that few people go to. Staring at the starry sky, identify celestial bodies, i regret not being able to take my telescope with me on those trips.

I love plants and flowers, and dream of having a large garden where I can grow whatever vegetables, flowers and medicinal plants I like.

I like books, all topics.. however recently I read them less because of my less free time and switched to searching for information on the internet more.

And a hobby since childhood, "disassemble and assemble".. I love to learn and make useful tools by collecting "discarded parts" and reusing them.

4) Have you been to any shows? If so, what's your favorite part of them? If not, are there any particular ones you would want to experience one day?

I've never been to a mineral crystal show, in Vietnam we don't have them. I just follow them through my friends' posts on Facebook.

"What i want to experience one day??" Tucson... yeah, that's Tucson, I'd love to go around the Tucson show once to see and touch them, chat more with other collectors and find more pieces to add to my collection.
5) What is your favorite/dream specimen outside of your collection? Why?

Rhodochrosite.. of course, I love those sweet pink dog teeth crystals, the concentric rings of stalactite.. and especially a pink trigonal crystal on a quartz matrix.. oh men, I can't resist floating

6) What impact has YMC had on you as a collector and where do you see it heading in the future?

I got to see many collectors (although only on facebook), including many world famous collectors that I had never known before. Through the discussion topics on the YMC group, I have learned a lot of knowledge about minerals, interesting experiences from collecting, mining and valuable experiences in taking photos of them.

I'm trying to do a YMC-like model at the crystal collecting community in my country where it is still very small and much to learn.

7) If you could give any advice to someone new to the hobby, what would it be?
Find your own direction, your collecting path will be easier.

Although this will be a bit difficult for a beginner, compared to a collection that is overwhelming and you always have trouble sorting.. a well-organized, specific collection is Of course they will be more beautiful

Just start by buying things you like, and learn a lot about the specimens you own, you will quickly realize what you like and choose your path. It can be mineral subgroups, colors or just one type of mineral you're interested in

And if you are a person who wants to collect them all.. that's well.. it is also your direction, just develop it within your ability