Kids Playing With Rocks

Collector Spotlights

Collector Spotlight: Alex Olson

1. How many years have you been collecting and what started your passion?

I have been interested in minerals for 25-30 years, but started collecting seriously about 9 years ago. I am a first generation collector. My memory is a bit foggy about the earlier encounters. I remember things like: always enjoying mineral exhibits in museums, gravitating towards the rock and mineral sections of gift shops on any family trips, and always having a “rock shelf” that I would show off any little treasures I was able to take home. There were a few self-collected pieces of quartz and gypsum. And that’s about it for quite some time. I never got too deep into the hobby. As far as the “what started my passion” side, that is a good question as it was a process that took a bit of time. Around 2004, when I was in college, minerals started to present themselves around me again. A good friend had, around that time, inherited a small collection from a grandparent. There was a good stash of Mexican opals, and I was gifted a couple. At that time we were traveling the US during the summer- frequently the destination being concerts or music festivals (sure was nice not having responsibilities). At one of these events, I witnessed for the first time, someone buy a rock for hundreds of dollars and I think that is what started to slowly blow my mind. I was also watching my friend trade out these opals for other minerals to people that we met that had collections or inventory of self-collected material. So I was slowly being exposed to more of the mineral world, but I was just observing- not entirely fascinated yet. People around me continued to give me gifts of minerals. During this time I completely switched my study in school from business to natural sciences and found myself working part time in the small mineral gallery in our science building. Next I started going to the local gem shows and purchasing some, also a bit of some online purchases. Friends of mine started going to Tucson and selling minerals. I thought the idea was awesome, but who was actually going to buy rocks consistently enough to support that?! By 2008 I had a small collection of rocks in my possession with absolutely no focus. Minerals took the backburner and then about 3 or 4 years later, I started to get my priorities in life in order. I got the itch to start acquiring some better quality minerals and slowly did so. As I did not have much budget to speak of and pretty much all acquisitions were being purchased- I did my best to research the markets available to me and get the opinions of folks who had more experience than myself, prior to making purchases. By this point I was starting to have a collection take shape that I was excited to have and be proud of. I think once I hit that point, the hook was set. The next most important piece to my collecting puzzle would be beginning to sell specimens. Pretty early on in ones journey of purchasing specimens it becomes obvious that there is a financial bottleneck that makes it difficult to acquire many of the better examples that are easily accessible. I began recycling some of the pieces in my collection in order to fund specimens that were once beyond my financial scope. Getting to experience someone willing to spend money on rocks and be happy with the exchange was great. I think it helps to solidify faith in the hobby if that makes any sense. Eventually I began acquiring a limited number of specimens specifically for resale and started a small business. I do have a full time job so it is nice to have the option to work as much or little as I want with minerals on the side. This has really given me the opportunity to meet some amazing people and bring in some specimens that, in my mind were once completely out of my reach.

2. What’s the focus of your collection and has that changed through time? Why?

The focus of my collection is and has mostly been on gem crystals. Things that I am visually drawn to, and not necessarily rarities. Color, condition, and aesthetics seem to be at the top of my list when selecting a specimen. Size wise I do not have any set parameters, but usually fall in the miniature to small cabinet categories (4-10cm). I’ve actually let go of some of my more significant pieces recently, but am maintaining a suite of tourmaline and also of fluorite and other associated minerals from the Midwestern USA. I am also slowly putting together a group of quartz specimens.

3. What do you like to do outside of mineral collecting? (hobbies, job, music taste)

Some other activities that I enjoy include: biking (on and off road), snowboarding, fishing, gardening, and seeing live music. I work in quality assurance in a manufacturing facility.

4. What is your favorite species? Why?

My favorite species would be tourmaline. Some of the first specimens I was gifted early on were tourmaline and I have had a couple people close to me that really came to specialize in the species. Something about these color sticks that can get me quite fired up in a good way. I have evolved in that if I have a choice, I am going to acquire specimens that are mineral combinations or crystals on matrix if possible. Though this can be a tough task. That said, I still can get very excited over single crystals. I think it is a great to specialize in a species and can help a collector to successfully “invest” in minerals if they choose to do so.

5. Have you been to any shows? If so, what’s your favorite part of them? If not, are there any particular ones you would want to experience one day?

Yes I have been going to smaller local gem shows since I was a kid, but had never been to a larger show until about 5 years ago. Since then I have been to shows in Tucson, Denver, and Springfield. Have tried to make trips like Tucson a priority since then, as it’s just so great to hang out with friends old and new, have a good time and geek out on rocks. Alas, I have three very young children so getting away has been quite difficult recently, so I do what I can, when I can. I am sure there are plenty of shows I’d like to make it to in the future. If I had to pick one in particular, it would be Munich.

6. Are any of your family members mineral collectors? If yes/no how has that impacted you?

I was the first and only mineral collector in my immediate family growing up. Did not affect me much, aside from my parent’s frequent chatter discouraging me from getting too financially invested. Which I think is normal. Once I had successfully sold specimens on semi regular basis, that tone seemed to change. My wife is interested in the chemistry of minerals, but doesn’t go much further than that. I think she’s afraid I would get too carried away if she made the jump. She has a handful of specimens that were gifts or pieces we picked together at a show. And then I have three children. Three little girls ages 1, 2, and 5. They sure do keep me busy. Anyway, they all seem to like rocks! I added a gem tourmaline crystal from the Himalaya Mine, to my oldest daughters collection the day she was born. That same day I decided I would also give her a specimen every year for her birthday, until she was 18. If at that time she no longer wants the collection, I will buy it from her. It’s been working pretty well so far and I’ve also continued the tradition for my other two daughters. There have definitely been some other additions made from generous friends, trips to shows, and sometimes when dad gets a decent sized lot in. I will note that the kid’s collections are kept out of reach and we have other specimens that are safe to handle if they must.

7. Is there a piece/pieces in your collection you’ll never let go of, which and why?

This is a difficult question. I had thought so, and they were all my most valuable pieces. Until a time came when I suddenly needed finances and that was that. Now the pieces that I am most attached to, are ones that have some sort of memory/sentiment attached to them, and are usually considerably less valuable or were at least obtained with minimal monetary influence. If I am ever given mineral gifts (not including gifts given on top of purchases- true gifts) they stay with me

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